As a professional salesperson working for a certified contractor in today’s new economy, this is a vitally important concept to understand.

You see, in today’s “buyers” market the power has returned to the customer and they know it. Customers today demand value and they have a low tolerance for anything ordinary – ordinary products, services, expertise and they have zero tolerance for incompetent salespeople.

To be successful in certified contractor sales you need to earn the right to a potential customer’s business, by providing well-matched customized products and service. That means you must have the right value proposition.

If your company subscribe to and use the Certified Contractors Network 4P Sales Process you will have the opportunity to make, not just one, but a couple first impressions on potential customers. Plus the 4P Sales Process equips you with the tools to create a compelling value proposition that customers demand. By creating positive “First Impressions“ and starting the “Value Separation“ process from the moment a homeowner calls your business, you are establishing buyer’s confidence with that potential customer.

Now that is a great first impression!

The process of value separation, creating value that separates you from your competitors, has to start with the sales philosophy of your company and how the company has chosen to make the “first impression.” When a homeowner calls your certified contracting business for the first time, they should be greeted by a friendly and well trained professional who knows the right questions to ask, and then schedules an appointment with a sales consultant. Now that is a great first impression.

To be successful inreplacement contractor sales, you need to understand that customers in today’s economy are not be as tight fisted as in the “Great Recession,” but they will be extremely demanding. They want to know “What’s in it for Me?”, or “WIIFM.”

Understanding the concept of “WIIFM” and having the desire to match you company’s products and services with the demands of today’s potential customer, it is your turn to make a great “first impression”.

As you arrive for your appointment, it won’t take very long for a potential customer to make an evaluation and a judgment which determines their first impression of you. They are evaluating the look of your vehicle, where did you park, how well did dress, are you well groomed and how did you greet them at the front door. It’s important that you appear likable and friendly to them.

These are all things you have control over and will positively impact first impressions and likability. What are some other things you can do to improve your first impression and likability?

• Smile – A sincere smile and pleasant attitude make a great first impression

• Be Polite – Nothing kills a sale faster than someone who is rude

• Stay Focused – Remember “WIIFM” Focus on the potential customer and their problem and how you can help solve their problem

• Show enthusiasm – Your enthusiasm is driven by your attitude and beliefs, so it is critical to work consistently to build and retain a winning attitude.

• Be confident – Confidence is driven by your self-image, attitude, product knowledge, your dress and your health.

From Positive First Impression to Value Separation

Being prepared, practiced and polished for this initial “Measure Call” appointment will continue to add value to you and your company. This appointment is not only for you to measure the project, but also for you to measure the homeowner, but realize the homeowner will be measuring you as well!

Potential customers in today’s economy are trying to be more sensible and responsible. That means they will be judging you and trying to determine if they can trust you and your company before they buy from you. In order to create that trust and confidence in you, your company and your product, it is extremely important to give them a positive first impression and then create value separation.

Just how important is the Measure Call appointment to making a sale to today’s demanding buyer? If you handle this appointment applying the principles I talked about in this article… I would say you have a 70% chance of closing the sale.

In my next article I will go into more detail on how to develop trust and confidence and create value separation during the “Measure Call” appointment.