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Up to 75 percent of home improvement projects, over $2,500, are financed. Over 50 percent of home improvements, of $5,000 or more, are financed. What does that mean for you, as a contractor? If you want to appeal to 75 percent of homeowners that are doing home improvement projects, you better be offering a financing […]

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If you’re looking to finance your home improvement project or renovation, you’re certainly not alone. It’s estimated that over 75 percent of home improvement projects, over $2,500, are financed in some capacity. So, while there are plenty of lenders out there, choosing the right lender can prove to be a bit more difficult. Below are […]

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Time is money. If you, as a contractor, aren’t spending time on home renovation projects, you also aren’t going to be bringing in any money. It’s as simple as that. So, the question then becomes, how are you most likely to beat out the competition? What makes a homeowner more likely to choose you over […]

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We’ve talked (blogged) recently about our financing promise. Today, let’s talk about the way our same as cash financing works to help you build a better business. First of all, it guarantees payment for all your hard work. What’s better than that? It also increases your average job size. And, maybe the best advantage: offering […]

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Have you been putting off that dream of renovating your home due to financing restrictions? Well, it’s time to put that dream into reality. We understand home improvements are very expensive and a big task. Don’t fret, you have plenty of options! For the homeowners that don’t have the home equity, credit, or cash to […]

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Are your customers hesitant about their big home projects? Does their hesitation usually lie within the money aspect of the project? Well, they needn’t be hesitant anymore! With our same-as-cash financing options, you as the contractor can offer clients a better and easier way to pay for those dream home renovations they are dying to […]

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Would you like to close more deals? Would you like to make it easy on your customers to pay for their home improvements? Of course you would, what contractor wouldn’t? Say hello to progressive financing. Don’t let your business suffer and allow yourself to lose out on any more jobs. Many contractors can’t offer financing […]

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Picture this: Spring is finally here and you mindlessly started up your sprinkler system. Nothing exciting there, right? Except, winter wrecked havoc on your system and while you were blissfully unaware, that indoor basement pool you’ve never dreamed of has started filling up in the man cave. Now what? Who has that kind of emergency […]

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You’ve enjoyed a few years growing your business as a contractor. You’re now well-established with good revenue, good employees, and a good future. What if I said you could have a better future? Well, nows the time to make more money which means more profit. Our same as cash financing program will do just that, […]

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You know your business inside and out. You help make decisions on a daily basis. And you probably already know it’s time to grow the business. But how exactly is that done? Summer is here and you’re extremely busy with ongoing and upcoming jobs. How about the jobs you’re trying to close? Are they closing […]

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