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There’s a wise, old adage for business at home that says, “If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” Turns out, same rules apply for your out-of-home business. (Minus the Mama part, that is.) “If your employees ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!” Every business and business owner wants a larger profit. What if treating your employees […]

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Do you want to make more money? Of course you do. Or else you wouldn’t be reading this post. You say you’re doing okay for yourself but you’ve always wondered what’s holding you back from that bigger paycheck. Contractors love anything money or profitability related. You didn’t become a contractor just to play with cool […]

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Did your company make amazing money last year, but yet you still saw a small drop in profits? Your books told you your revenue was just north of $2M. Most contractors would be satisfied with those numbers, except, as a smart businessman and owner, you checked the previous year’s books and notice your revenue was […]

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As a contractor, being busy in the construction industry is a great problem. Being busy means you’re making money and becoming more profitable. But, as an owner, you sometimes get stuck wearing a lot of hats and juggling a lot of problems. While juggling said problems, it’s easy to lose focus on actually growing your […]

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It’s your business, your livelihood, and what you focus on every day: your bottom line. If you’re like most contractors, you’d like to increase your bottom line. How is that accomplished? By making more money and becoming more profitable. So the next question is, how do you make more money and become more profitable? The […]

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